Choose a partner that stands for long-term and committed relationships.

Whether independent assessments of abilities and potential or comprehensive support in developing a qualifications profile and identifying career prospects, our qualified psychologists and experienced consultants provide assurance for optimal job placement and professional guidance for career reorientation.

AVALES Wilhelm is one of the Expert members & AC certified providers of Swiss Assessment. Expert members are exclusively providers of assessment center services who have been awarded or certified with the Swiss Assessment quality label. Only the highest quality ensures our success and our lead over the competition. For this very reason, we have been able to count renowned companies and institutes in the "country" among our loyal clientele for years.

When shall we schedule a meeting in Vaduz?

Avales Wilhelm AG Josef-Rheinberger-Strasse 6, LI-9490 Vaduz, map

+41 43 344 31 50, e-mail

Welcome to AVALES Wilhelm Vaduz:


Josef-Rheinberger-Strasse 6
LI-9490 Vaduz, Switzerland


Phone +41 43 344 31 50

Your contacts:


Andreas Rudolph

Co Principal Managing Partner



To the portrait