Successful SQS re-certification

This August 2022, our assessment services were successfully re-certified for the third time. The Assessment & Outplacement division of Avales Wilhelm AG is hereby certified for high quality in the conception of these services as well as in the execution of mandates. The audit is carried out on behalf of the association "Assessment Center Switzerland" by the Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems "SQS" as well as the University of Zurich, Chair of Work and Organizational Psychology. While SQS evaluates aspects such as the quality of processes, data security or data protection, the experts from the University of Zurich assess the quality of the assessments in terms of content.


Interview with Dr. Simon Gutknecht, Business Manager Assessment & Outplacement

Since when have WILHELM Assessment been certified?
Since 2013. Re-certification takes place every 3 years. In our case, this means in 2016, 2019 and now 2022 again.

What is the difference between a certified and a non-certified assessment?
The point is that certification is a testimony that the quality criteria defined by Swiss Assessment have been met. The criteria are represented in the form of 22 checkpoints. One of the core elements is proof of the prognostic validity of the assessments carried out. This means that it is a question of the quality of the prediction of professional success. The procedure as such also provides indications for the further development of assessment services from a qualitative point of view and makes a contribution to remaining "state of the art".

Are the processes of the certified assessments comparable or are there differences?
They are comparable because they are aligned with the same standards.

What is the added value of the WILHELM assessments?
Our business-experienced, psychologically trained assessors rely on concepts that have been scientifically tested many times and make reliable statements and forecasts regarding suitability for a specific position or potential for more complex functions in the future. Our assessment basis allows a differentiated view and description of the required skills and potential at all hierarchical levels and for different target functions.

When does it make sense to conduct an assessment?
When it is a question of minimizing the probability of a wrong appointment, of aiming to fill the position with the most suitable person, or of obtaining knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of future employees and thus enabling targeted induction and development.

The WILHELM website lists Executive and Expert Search as well as Assessment Center and Outplacement. Do the same consultants assess and recruit?
No, the assessors are specially trained for this purpose.

What is the background of WILHELM's assessors?
As a rule, they hold a university degree in psychology, have profound knowledge in psychological aptitude diagnostics, and have broad professional experience as line managers, project managers and/or subject specialists. Checking the professional background of the assessors or their experience in assessments are also checkpoints to be fulfilled in the certification process.

What are your personal experiences with assessments?
Various : ). Often the clients are amazed at what comes to light, both positively and critically, and what one would not have "thought" based on the previous interviews.